To Malta. Tossing up between rabbit stew and 'beef olives' (look them up) we decided on the rabbit because we've never cooked with rabbit previously. To the butcher to buy a rabbit - we had the boys with us and I stopped myself just in time when I pointed to the whole rabbits and started to say "Look Tav, there's a rabbit like [your favourite toy] brown rabbit."
Chopped into chunks, marinated and then slow cooked for 3 hours, the results (although not photogenic) were deliciousness. Tender meat with an amazing rich tomato sauce.
According to our research the sauce from Maltese stews are used as a pasta sauce for entree so that's how we started:

Followed up with the stew itself.
Pro: always keen to eat different animal and the rabbit was very tasty.
Con: small bones; annoying small mammals have a lot of tiny tiny bones.
Next stop: the recently formed country South Sudan.
Uncle Steve would be proud of you. Sounded tasty.