Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catch up post #2... St Vincent and the Grenadines

This was an interesting one. Turns out a popular dish over there is `Green pigeon pea soup'. The soup was a little funny in that it called for a bunch of starchy vegetables like tannais (we used potato) and plantain (we used a greenish banana). It also needed green pigeon peas (we used normal green peas). Not our most accurate dish with a lot of the ingredients more readily available in the tropics but the result was really yum. We were a bit worried about having banana in our soup however it gave just a little hint of sweetness without being anywhere near overpowering.

Also included in the recipe were dumplings. Not sure what I got wrong with these but they ended up being little golf-balls of disappointment. Soup = two thumbs up, dumplings = one thumb down.

Now that we've caught up it's time for our next country - tonight we cook some North Korean food.

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