Sunday, March 27, 2016

United States - Ribs

A while ago we had England while we were away on holidays with B and K - on that occasion we decided to make a day of it and have every possible meal England(ish). Today we set ourselves a similar challenge with the United States, this time away with Polly and Green.

I have never used so much sugar in a day's cooking (and we didn't even do lunch).

It all started the day before where I rubbed some ribs with a mix of sugar, paprika and chilli, while Green mixed some pancake batter ready for the next day. Breakfast was the most tasty, fluffy and light pancakes ever, topped with maple syrup and fruit. Bacon was on the cards as well but we saw into our future and it wasn't a pretty picture

An amazing bbq Easter Sunday lunch at Sim and Lisa's changed the theme a little bit, but we were back to America-land for tea where we cooked up some 'Freddy's Ribs' (House of Cards style, southern ribs) with home made barbecue sauce, corn bread and some green beans.

The ribs were so amazing - probably the best ones I have cooked, with the sauce so full of flavours and rich (and probably a bit sweet).

Followed that up with some games and some USA snacks (Reece's pieces and
Milk Duds). It all made for a really fun day.

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