Sunday, April 20, 2014



Two fairly complicated dishes with preparation starting last night. First we made Rendang Daging; a beef curry of super tastiness made with lots of chilli, onion and coconut. After about 4 hours on the mortar and pestle (time is tricky to gauge when mortar-and-pestling - Bri tells me it was only 15 minutes) making kerisik and a curry paste that used pretty much every spice in our house, the end result was amazing. The beef had this amazing hint of coconut hidden behind a huge kick (thanks to Dad's home-grown chillies) of spiciness - great stuff.

On the side we had gado-gado, a vegetable salad with a peanut sauce mixed in, again this was good; the sauce and slightly cooked vegetables made this great combination of yum. A very successful meal.

Next up it is Tonga (after drawing one of Peter's joke countries that he has snuck into the hat - 'Wonderland'). First impressions is the food is very similar to Samoa so we'll have to see what we can come up with.

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