Sunday, June 22, 2014


To Tonga after a long break during a busy school term.

We headed down to the farm for an ambitious meal that involved four separate components... with all four including coconut milk/cream.

Being neighbours with Samoa meant we had to work pretty hard to find some different food, having said that we couldn't turn away from the palusami (coconut cream and tinned spam wrapped in leaves) - sounds gross but is very tasty and was even better this second time.

Along with that we baked some fish in coconut milk and papaya, all accompanied with a drink called ’otai - this was made with watermelon, pineapple and more coconut milk. The instructions called for grating the fruit however we'd do it differently next time as you ended up with a drink that could have been eaten with a knife and fork.

Dessert was bananas cooked in (drum roll...) coconut milk! Simple, easy and very tasty end to a nice meal. Next up is Bolivia.

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